Take me to the fair ?>

Take me to the fair

Today was satisfying, in fulfilling a yearly tradition while 2000 miles from home. We went to the fair!

It is a bigger fair than ours, but a lot of the similar things. We saw horses, cows, chickens, pigs, and rabbits. Aunica requested to see the pig races, so we checked that off our list. We saw two canine shows, one police (a little dull) and one called jump. We watched a man carve a wood sculpture with a chainsaw, petted exotic animals, and played veterinarian. Finally, we topped off the day with a HUGE bag of cotton candy. It felt like home.

I had one more activity scheduled for the day. One of those activities that we drove a couple hundred miles out of our way to get to. And I had a hissy-fit melt down when it looked like we would miss it when certain other people weren’t ready. 

At any rate, they made it to the last tour. The activity was Strataca, an underground (650′!) salt mine. I stayed behind with the little boys (nobody under 4 allowed), but got some glowing reports about how great it was, even from Deon, which is saying a lot. 

Then back to our favorite campsite.

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