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New month ?>

New month

July 1st, still in the Grand Teton National Park, WY. Words cannot describe the beauty.   Signal Mountain I could stay here forever. Forever, until the first time it snows (in case my CA friends were worried). We also hiked Taggert Lake. Everyone except me swam in the lake (I don’t do cold water). But the hike was gorgeous.     Tomorrow, a new day, a new park. On to yellowstone. 

Majesty defined ?>

Majesty defined

A few notes before I move on. We are doing an excellent job of saving money by not paying for overnights. Parking lots, truck stops, on to federal land. We took a hilarious wrong turn into Idaho last night, to much cheering from my nieces for racking up another state. We overnighted in Afton, WY, in star valley. It so happens across the street from a new LDS temple being built, in the old stomping grounds of a good friend…

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Onward and upward…literally ?>

Onward and upward…literally

Today we headed north, into cowboy country. We started our day off in Evanston, Wyoming. We had parked in a dirt lot near an rv supply store so Deon could walk over first thing in the morning to get some questions answered. We still have some electrical issues to work out, which make it difficult for Deon to work.  After he returned, he took the van and trailer on some errands, and I took the kids to play in Bear…

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Mormonville, day two ?>

Mormonville, day two

Okay, okay, I need to make a little confession here. I am a card-carrying member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Yep, I’m a Mormon. But I’m not that kind of Mormon. I’m not that nice, and I’m a rule-breaker. To top it off, I don’t usually put on a nice appearance (no shoes, dirty, cherry-stained kids, no makeup, old, threadbare clothes). But I believe. I honestly think I have some purposes in life. One is to…

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Salt Lake City, land of Mormons ?>

Salt Lake City, land of Mormons

Salt Lake City, Utah became our first sight-seeing stop.  Monday, June 27, we still had a drive to make. We started our sightseeing off at Brigham Young University BYU, Provo. This is where Aunica dreams of attending, so this stop is for her. We had lunch on the lawn, but were a little at a loss as to where to go next. Until a guy on a golf cart drove by giving a tour. Ah-ha!  We totally lucked out on…

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Lessons to learn ?>

Lessons to learn

Well, this is one I have been working on for a long time. Sometimes I’m better at it than others. Patience. Especially in the face of deadlines and expectations not being met. Trying to remember that relationships are more important than getting somewhere on time. So, in that vein, we left 11 and a half hours later than I had originally planned. Or, half an hour early, if you don’t count the pm. So many last minute things to do….

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Goodbyes are hard ?>

Goodbyes are hard

Well, we did it! We drove away from all that is home. It feels like we have taken a giant leap of faith off a cliff. This last week was spent in goodbyes. I tried to take moments to appreciate it amidst the hectic leaving process.  In homage to my home, here are some pics. This has been my home since I was four, and in our family for generations. It is also the home I have spent my married…

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We do big things (and so should you) ?>

We do big things (and so should you)

Hi, all! Welcome! Let me introduce ourselves. I’m Heather, stay at home mom to homeschooled kids, used to be accountant (a lifetime ago). Married to Deon, working at an engineering firm, home repair master. And our 6 kiddos. Yes, that’s right, 1-2-3-4-5-6. Aunica, 12 Sidda, 10 Dimitri, 7 Finn, 4 Jedi, 2  And Kieran, 15 months. Crazy, I know, right? So, now you have the who, on to the what and when. A great adventure! Epic road trip. June 25,…

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