Sick, again ?>

Sick, again

This post will cover two days, because I didn’t do much. The morning of the 24th Jedi woke up puking. I thought maybe the Chinese buffet. Let him out to play the next morning and within half an hour he came inside and threw up again. So he spent a few days inside.

The other kids got out and played with friends. Aunica has some friends she has been hanging out with. She walks to a local gas station for soda and treats. Goes to the pool. She has some girl friends, but has a hard time competing for their attention, so hangs out with some boys a few years older than she is. The nicest, sweetest boys I could ask for, so I feel safe with that. 

Disney really wiped out the last of our funds, so we are staying put for a while. This helps us financially for a number of reasons. One, it’s free to stay. Two, we don’t burn money on gas. And three, Deon can put in more hours and get a larger paycheck. 

So he works, and we hang out. Good friends, beautiful weather, low cost living. Couldn’t ask for much more. Oh, except less puking. I could ask for that.

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