Driftwood Beach
Today we found a most magical place. We made it to Georgia last night and explored Jekyll island. I had my sights on a special beach called driftwood beach.
This isn’t your average beach covered in driftwood. This beach is experiencing erosion, so it isn’t just pieces of driftwood, but entire bleached trees uprooted and strewn across the sand as far as the eye can see. It is incredibly beautiful and a natural playground for children. A bonus is the Atlantic is much warmer than the pacific, even in the winter.
Towards the end of the day all the kids except Dimitri and Aunica had returned (cold) to the rv with Deon. Aunica and Dimitri don’t get this time just to themselves very often. They had a blast being silly in the water and catching hermit crabs. They never wanted to leave, and I didn’t, either.