St Patrick’s day ?>

St Patrick’s day

Well, we raced out of Savannah to avoid a crazy St Patrick’s day, and Charleston was much more manageable.

We started the day at a small parade just a block from our rv. 

Then Deon went to work and I took the kids for a walk down to city hall for the Irish flag raising and anthem. Which I missed bc I had to take kids to potty. 

After, we went right next door to a very old, beautiful park. Where Kieran slipped and split his chin. Cue minor panic on my part. I was queasy at the sight of it, so much that Aunica had to hold him. I was a long way from the rv (more than a mile) and without Deon. I was afraid it needed stitches. Following is a pic (don’t look if that makes you sick).

I did hoof it back, quick like in a hurry with all 6 kids in tow. Deon and I decided it didn’t need stitches. We all took a rest.

Our friends, the Phillips, called to say they were taking a walk downtown if we wanted to join them. We got our act together and did. Fun to see them, and more of the city, and dolphins! 

Then we did a mad dash to find dinner before our treat of the night, a ghost tour. After a great, big, circular walk (where we did NOT find corned beef and cabbage), we ended up with pizza, and raced back to meet our guide.

Who was wonderful. We were lucky enough to have the tour to ourselves. It was perfect. I immediately felt the burden of social expectations fall away, much to my relief. It turns out that our guide is an aspiring park ranger, interested in education outreach. I couldn’t have asked for a better fit. And she held Finns hand (at his request) the whole time. We learned, we were entertained, and we all left with pleasant memories.

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