Salt Lake City, land of Mormons ?>

Salt Lake City, land of Mormons

Salt Lake City, Utah became our first sight-seeing stop. 

Monday, June 27, we still had a drive to make. We started our sightseeing off at Brigham Young University BYU, Provo. This is where Aunica dreams of attending, so this stop is for her. We had lunch on the lawn, but were a little at a loss as to where to go next. Until a guy on a golf cart drove by giving a tour. Ah-ha! 

We totally lucked out on getting a tour! They were booked, but give priority to high school students, and we had one of those in tow. Cassandra, my niece, was our lucky charm! We enjoyed a one hour tour of the campus. Highlight was the nursing training room, where the students practice on dummies that actually talk back (their instructor through a microphone). Fun fact: BYU has 30,000 students, 97% of which are Mormon.

Now, a little about Mormons. Everybody knows one or two. The thing is, especially in Utah, they are so nice. And a little gag-in-your-mouth sickly sweet. Like our tour guide, also Cassandra, who was so nice I don’t really want to say anything bad about her. But if I hear the phrase “that is am-A-zing!!!” one more time I think I will have to strangle her. It did come in handy though that these Mormons are so forgiving. With 6 kids I always feel we are a bit of a train wreck. People here have been so accommodating, it is a relief.

And, on that note, for the first time in my life, having 6 kids didn’t make me stick out like a sore thumb. Not wearing makeup, yes. But no incredulous questions about them all being mine or the general feeling of being a circus side show, which is my everyday life.

Okay, second act of the day, Thanksgiving Point. This is a complex of museums. First we hit the Museum of Ancient Life. Dinosaurs, dinosaurs, dinosaurs. A very well done, kid-friendly museum. 

Running out of time, we headed over to the Museum of Natural Curiosity. I met up with a good friend of mine, Alison Mackey, who moved away from SLO a few years ago. I have no idea what my kids were up to, as I just kept baby K with me and chatted with my friend, but the kids RAVED about this museum. As is typical, all at the same time, so I have no idea what they all said, but it was very enthusiastic, so I would definitely recommend this one. 

The museum closed at 8, when I rounded up the kids and said our goodbyes. I made dinner in the parking lot while the kids played in the sprinklers. It was an am-A-zing ending to a very nice day. 😉

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